Saturday of Holy Week is traditionally called Silent Saturday.
This is the day where Jesus’ body laid in the tomb as His spirit is taking the keys of death, hell and the grave back from the enemy.
In other words, spiritually Jesus is killing death at this time (as Pastor John would say, “this is gangster”).
Silent Saturday begins to stir the thoughts of what were the disciples processing at this time? They believed Jesus to be the Messiah, the one who came to save… but now He is dead.
For us reading this we know what Sunday holds, but the disciples didn’t.
They were broken and fearful of the Romans and religious leaders because of what might happen to them because of their association with the life and ministry of Jesus.
To think about the disciples sitting broken and scared should be a reminder on this Silent Saturday that there are people all around us; friends, family, neighbors and coworkers who don’t know the power of Sunday YET and could be sitting broken and fearful.
Tomorrow is an opportunity for someone to find resurrection life in Christ, they might be sitting silently defeated on Saturday BUT one prayer, one invite and one act of surrender can make for a victorious Sunday.
Today, as a church, let’s take time to specifically pray for those who might be in a place like the disciples were on Saturday during Holy Week, broken and afraid.
As you pray, if God puts someone specifically on your heart and mind send a text or make a call and invite them to Easter Sunday with us, BECAUSE HE LIVES their lives can be changed.

Grace & Peace,

Voyage Church